Argonite Fire Protection Systems
Argonite is an inert gas clean agent consisting of equal parts pure Argon conductive. As a clean agent, Argonite will extinguish a fire without endangering personnel and leaves no residue and will not damage business equipment or property.
With a simple two-gas mixture, local Argonite refilling sources may be found throughout the world, decreasing ownership costs and minimizing business downtime. Additionally, Argonite has a molecular weight that is similar to that of air.
For this reason, the need to seal the hazard area to achieve the concentration level necessary for suppression may be reduced with Argonite when compared with other types of gas suppression agents.
By using natural elements, Argonite offers an Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) and Global Warming Potential (GWP) of zero. Argonite provides the fire suppression agent solution for companies, industries, and governments adopting environmentally conscious policies.
Typical Applications
- Electronics/Data Processing Equipment
- Pharmaceutical Facilities
- Banks/Stock Exchanges
- Museums/Art Galleries
- Colleges/Universities
- Electrical Rooms
- Libraries
- Control Rooms
- Medical Facilities
- Records/Archive Storage
- Telecommunications Facilities
- Railway/Airport Signal Traffic Controls