Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is a colorless, odorless, electrically non conductive gas with an approximate density 50% greater than air.
It is stored in steel cylinders as a liquid, under pressure. When applied to a fire, it provides a blanket of heavy gas that reduces the oxygen content of the atmosphere to a point where combustion becomes impossible. In addition, CO2 gas provides a cooling effect and leaves no residue. It dissipates into the atmosphere, allowing for rapid cleanup and minimal downtime.
There are both high pressure and low pressure CO2 fire protection systems. Low pressure CO2 suppression systems are ideal for covering large areas cost-effectively.
One of the main applications for Carbon Dioxide Systems is in industrial processes where flammable liquids and vapors present a potential fire hazard. Fires spread rapidly and become so intense that many times they cannot be approached, let alone be extinguished with the usual portable fire equipment. A “fixed CO2 system” designed specifically for the hazard and operated automatically assured immediate detection and rapid suppression.
Carbon Dioxide fire suppression systems are ideal for;
- flammable liquid storage areas
- printing presses
- quench tanks
- mixing operators
- spray booths
- turbine driven generators
- electrical areas
- rolling mills
- industrial ovens
- dust collectors
- large commercial fryers
- engine rooms
- paint lockers
- other industrial and marine applications